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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Dynamic Dads: How to Be a Hero to Your Kids

Book Description

In Dynamic Dads, Paul Pettit shows busy dads how they can be winners not only at work, but also at marriage and parenting. Pettit challenges men to lead their families with purpose, integrity, and involvement, and offers practical ideas and strategies for doing so. Dynamic Dads proves that fathers can create a powerful legacy that will live on through future generations when they really know, encourage, and support their kids--and live lives of vulnerable authenticity before them.

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Congratulations, You've Got Tweens! Preparing Your Child for Adolescence


MTL Magazine : Dynamic Dads founder Paul Pettit gives parents affirmation and good advice for guiding their tweens (kids between the ages of 8 and 12) through this rollercoaster time in between early childhood and the teen years. Today's tweens suffer from what some experts call "KAGOY" (Kids Are Getting Older Younger), and it can present real challenges to Christian parents that Pettit deftly addresses as he calls for a "balanced parenting" approach that leads to preparing your tween to "leave the nest" without over- or under- controlling the adolescent. Pettit's words are a comfort to parents who want to speak their tween's language.

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Kids T-Shirt "My Dad is a Dynamic Dad"

Your kids want to brag on you...but oftentimes the homemade t-shirts are messy or difficult to read. Not this creative Dynamic Dads children's shirt! Right on the front in bold letters everyone can read: My Dad is a Dynamic Dad!

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Congratulations, You're Gonna Be a Dad!


Ann Bales All About Families Newsletter : "Many first-time fathers-to-be have no idea what is before them. In many cases they had fathers who weren't involved with them during their formative years. This book was written to help new dads prepare for what lies ahead for them from the time they first learn they are pregnant to when the baby is around eighteen months old. It also includes advice from new dads from James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll and others. . . .I wish my husband and our sons had had the book to read many years ago when they were going through the process. I would encourage you to give a copy or recommend this book to everyone you know who is becoming a dad for the first time."

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A Dad's Diaper Bag

Don't let your Dynamic Dad leave the house with a "pink butterfly" or "yellow teddy bear" diaper bag! Chances are he'll leave that in the back seat of the car. Get him a stylish Dynamic Dads diaper bag....a diaper bag he can really use and not be teased by his buddies.

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Dynamic Dad Hat

This cool khaki ball cap is perfect for the Dynamic Dad in your home. Keeps the sun off the face but also let's everyone know that you take fathering seriously. This is the perfect cap to wear to your son or daughter's game, school event, or family outing. You will feel confident in this cap!

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