With five children of his own and three books on the subject, Dr. Paul Pettit has become a spokesman for the responsible fatherhood movement. He is passionate about helping couples build strong marriages and parents raise healthy kids. He speaks and teaches at men's weekend retreats, marriage conferences, summer camps, father/daughter and father/son events, and continues to research and write on the topic of effective families.
While teaching at seminary and serving as director of spiritual formation, Paul began to listen to the "life stories" of students from all walks of life. It was during these sharing times he noticed the unique and powerful influence a father has on his family...for good or for bad. Paul started Dynamic Dads determined to help dads make a positive impact and leave a healthy legacy.
If you are interested in having Dr. Paul Pettit speak about fatherhood, marriage, or building strong families at your next event, please email Dynamic Dads at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request more information.