Dear Dr. Pettit:
For His Kingdom,
We just want to thank you for being such an important part of our Kingdom Agenda Conference. Your lesson was timely, and your presentation was priceless.
Tony Evans
Thank you for speaking at our Love of a Lifetime marriage seminar. I know the couples were greatly encouraged by your sessions. We appreciated your stories and humor. Hope to catch up with you again soon.
Bill Stewart, Journey Church in Ft. Worth, TX.
Thanks again to both you and your wife for joining us here in Sacramento this past weekend. I do believe that both our youth and adults were encouraged and challenged. Thank you for your ministry to our youth, parents, and the English congregation.
Ted Pricskett
Chinese Grace Bible Church
Sacramento, CA
Thank you so much for being our guest on Book Talk. I just love your book. It is almost impossible to find Christian books for new fathers and yours is so well organized and so practical. Thanks again for making the time to be with us. It was a joy to have you and I know you blessed our listeners.
Kathy Fish
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us last weekend. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed your lessons. I feel like the studies you have done on families is very beneficial and relevant to our campers. Thank you for being a part of our weekend.
Anthony Deringer
Camp Peniel
Marble Falls, TX
Thank you so much for your work last weekend with our Fathers and Sons. I enjoyed getting to meet you and would enjoy having you back in the future.
Rhett Pierce
New Life Ranch
Colcord, OK
Thank you for presenting your workshop at our annual conference. Your session, The Impact of Father Involvement on School-Age Children, was well received by our participants and the session evaluations reveal positive feedback regarding how our schools are going to use the session information to improve instruction.
Mrs. Dana Denny
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Annapolis, Maryland