Dynamic Dads offers key resources to help Dads succeed in their unique role of fathering. Discover Resources for Dad...
Curriculum for existing small groups or form a new Dynamic Dads group at your church. Learn More...
Author, expert, and five-time dad Paul Pettit has tips for fathers on the essentials. Buy Books...
Dr. Paul Pettit has become a spokesman for the responsible fatherhood movement. Request Info...
The story of David & Bathsheba reminds us about finishing well ...Read here: https://newcommandment.org/finishing-well/
Two different Valedictorians ... their lives took different paths. One became a C.E.O ... the other became a shooter ... Read about them here ... #freewill #wisdom #legacy https://newcommandment.org/a-tale-of-two-valedictorians-the-shooter-and-the-c-e-o/
From Dr. Paul Weaver: It was great to have Mr. Jason Epps and Dr. Paul Pettit on the Bible and Theology Matters podcast to discuss their recently released book - One Body, One Soul. We discuss the topic of disability and community within the church - focusing on the challenges faced[…]
Stones of Remembrance: 34 years of marriageby Paul Pettit Like everyone else, we believers can be forgetful people. We especially can forget the many instances of God’s goodness to us. What to do?Joshua 4: 4-9 records the command of Joshua for the Israelites to set up stones of remembrance.“So, Joshua called together[…]
New Podcast on One Body, One Spirit ... by Paul Pettit and Jason Epps ... from Key Ministryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yIxIEvb5BI
New Podcast Interview!Enjoyed being interviewed by Sandra Peoples from Key Ministry for our new book, One Body...One Spirit from Kregel Publications Link: https://www.keyministry.org/church4everychild/2024/9/5/one-body-one-spirit-with-jason-epps-and-paul-pettit-podcast-episode-116Listen HereSandra Peoples interviews Jason Epps and Paul Pettit about their book, One Body, One Spirit: Disability & Community in the Church. Hear about their friendship and how Jason's challenges[…]
Men and Disability Ministry Often a men’s ministry can overlook men with disabilitiesHere are three dangers, which arise from this unfortunate pattern ... Read the article here: https://newcommandment.org/why-your-mens-ministry-must-include-men-with-disabilities/
Happy Day! Today, our new book One Body, One Spirit: Disability & Community in the Church releases to the public ... order your copy today! #OneBodyOneSpirit #DisabilityMinistry #5StepPlan Order your copy here ... There is a massive deficit in our churches, parishes, and fellowships; an entire category of people is[…]
Once again news has broken regarding the “sin” of a well-known, influential minister. This news hit me particularly hard as this is a man I’ve listened to and learned from on hundreds of occasions. Here are four reminders to take away when you hear this kind of news.1. God is[…]
Jesus and My Gay Desires ... By Taylor Simon MaxwellI grew up in a Jewish household and knew nothing of Jesus Christ, saving grace, or Vacation Bible School. My religious childhood was attending synagogue, studying Hebrew, and celebrating Jewish holidays, such as Hanukkah and Passover. I even had a bar mitzvah at[…]