Dynamic Dads offers key resources to help Dads succeed in their unique role of fathering. Discover Resources for Dad...
Curriculum for existing small groups or form a new Dynamic Dads group at your church. Learn More...
Author, expert, and five-time dad Paul Pettit has tips for fathers on the essentials. Buy Books...
Dr. Paul Pettit has become a spokesman for the responsible fatherhood movement. Request Info...
Screen time has replaced outdoor time for many men ... what are the results? ... Read my thoughts here #DynamicDads www.dynamicdads.comhttps://www.amazon.com/author/paulpettit
The story of David & Bathsheba reminds us about finishing well ...Read here: https://newcommandment.org/finishing-well/
Two different Valedictorians ... their lives took different paths. One became a C.E.O ... the other became a shooter ... Read about them here ... #freewill #wisdom #legacy https://newcommandment.org/a-tale-of-two-valedictorians-the-shooter-and-the-c-e-o/
From Dr. Paul Weaver: It was great to have Mr. Jason Epps and Dr. Paul Pettit on the Bible and Theology Matters podcast to discuss their recently released book - One Body, One Soul. We discuss the topic of disability and community within the church - focusing on the challenges faced[…]
Stones of Remembrance: 34 years of marriageby Paul Pettit Like everyone else, we believers can be forgetful people. We especially can forget the many instances of God’s goodness to us. What to do?Joshua 4: 4-9 records the command of Joshua for the Israelites to set up stones of remembrance.“So, Joshua called together[…]
New Podcast on One Body, One Spirit ... by Paul Pettit and Jason Epps ... from Key Ministryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yIxIEvb5BI
New Podcast Interview!Enjoyed being interviewed by Sandra Peoples from Key Ministry for our new book, One Body...One Spirit from Kregel Publications Link: https://www.keyministry.org/church4everychild/2024/9/5/one-body-one-spirit-with-jason-epps-and-paul-pettit-podcast-episode-116Listen HereSandra Peoples interviews Jason Epps and Paul Pettit about their book, One Body, One Spirit: Disability & Community in the Church. Hear about their friendship and how Jason's challenges[…]
Men and Disability Ministry Often a men’s ministry can overlook men with disabilitiesHere are three dangers, which arise from this unfortunate pattern ... Read the article here: https://newcommandment.org/why-your-mens-ministry-must-include-men-with-disabilities/
Happy Day! Today, our new book One Body, One Spirit: Disability & Community in the Church releases to the public ... order your copy today! #OneBodyOneSpirit #DisabilityMinistry #5StepPlan Order your copy here ... There is a massive deficit in our churches, parishes, and fellowships; an entire category of people is[…]
Once again news has broken regarding the “sin” of a well-known, influential minister. This news hit me particularly hard as this is a man I’ve listened to and learned from on hundreds of occasions. Here are four reminders to take away when you hear this kind of news.1. God is[…]